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Evergray and Cyhra Live in Helsingborg 2024-09-21: A Night of Metal Mastery at The Tivoli

September 21

Evergrey and Cyhra performing live at The Tivoli in Helsingborg on September 21st, 2024, with dramatic blue and purple stage lighting and an energetic crowd immersed in the concert experience.

Evergray and Cyhra: If you’re in Helsingborg and you missed Evergrey and Cyhra’s show at The Tivoli on September 21st, 2024, congratulations—you officially suck at life. What kind of metalhead lives for this dark, heavy, and melodic scene, only to ignore one of the most epic collaborations to hit our little town?

Now, before I give you the details, I want you to understand something. This isn’t some run-of-the-mill metal show where you get a band pretending to be heavy, while secretly wondering if they should have stuck to their garage band roots. This is Evergrey—the kings of dark progressive metal—and Cyhra, with their addictive, modern twist on melodic metal, joining forces to level your soul. So, grab a beer, sit down, and let me tell you why this concert mattered more than your Tinder date or whatever other excuse you used to miss it.

 Evergray and Cyhra: The Venue: The Tivoli – Helsingborg’s Sacred Temple of Noise

For those of you outside Helsingborg or new to the scene, The Tivoli is more than just a venue—it’s a damn institution. This place has hosted everyone from up-and-coming underground bands to heavyweights who’ve made a permanent mark on the metal landscape. You want the sound that feels like it’s crawling inside your skull? You go to The Tivoli. It’s intimate, it’s raw, and the sound system hits harder than your mom’s disappointment when you told her you were skipping med school to pursue a career in death metal.

On September 21st, this beloved venue became a battleground for metalheads as Evergrey and Cyhra unleashed the fury of their sonic craft. If you haven’t been to The Tivoli before, let me tell you what it’s like: think of a dark, pulsating room where every note reverberates through your bones, a place where the walls are drenched in sweat and raw energy, and the crowd becomes one unified, headbanging beast. You can’t just hear the music at The Tivoli—you feel it deep in your chest. It’s the kind of place where metal thrives.

Cyhra: The Perfect Opening Carnage

Let’s talk about Cyhra for a second. If you don’t know this band by now, then why are you even reading this? Created by former members of Amaranthe and In Flames, these guys have redefined melodic metal. With Jake E‘s powerful, crystal-clear vocals, Jesper Strömblad’s iconic guitar work (yes, that Jesper Strömblad), and a lineup that feels tighter than a noose around your neck, Cyhra delivers a live show that punches you in the gut.

When they hit the stage, they didn’t come to play nice. They opened with “Letter to Myself,” one of those tracks that reminds you why melodic metal is not just about catchy choruses—it’s about layering emotion over power. Jake E’s vocals soared through the venue, cutting through the crowd like a sharpened blade, while Jesper and the rest of the band gave the kind of performance that left no question about their place in metal royalty.

But let’s be real: it wasn’t just the opening song that got the crowd moving. “Battle from Within” and “I Am the One” made the place erupt into a frenzy. Helsingborg doesn’t often get this level of intense live energy, and when the band nailed those choruses, you could feel the crowd’s collective adrenaline spike.

Their live performance was tight, polished, and more brutal than you’d expect from a band often pigeonholed as “melodic.” They balance the clean with the heavy perfectly, and seeing them live? It’s proof that Cyhra isn’t just a studio band—they’re here to rip your face off in the flesh.

Evergrey: The Dark Masters Return

And then there was Evergrey. Sweden’s dark progressive metal maestros didn’t just walk onto the stage—they descended. I’ve seen these guys before, but every single time, I’m reminded why they’re at the top of their game. Tom S. Englund is a frontman who doesn’t just sing—he preaches. His voice, that mix of melancholy and rage, wrapped around every note, dragging us into Evergrey’s world of despair, hope, and introspection.

They kicked off their set with “A Silent Arc,” a track that perfectly encapsulates the essence of Evergrey—haunting melodies fused with crushingly heavy riffs. The Tivoli’s sound system handled their dense, atmospheric sound like a champ, making sure that each note felt like it was made specifically for that moment. You could feel the crowd shift—everyone went from losing their minds with Cyhra’s energy to getting lost in the immersive soundscapes of Evergrey. That’s the magic of a band like this: they pull you into their universe, whether you’re ready for it or not.

Tom’s stage presence is magnetic, like a priest leading his congregation through a sermon on pain, loss, and existential crisis. And let’s not forget the rest of the band—Jonas Ekdahl on drums, pounding out rhythms that made your heart feel like it was about to explode, and Henrik Danhage on guitar, shredding with precision while also giving just enough soul to make every solo feel like a punch to the chest. Evergrey is more than just a progressive metal band; they’re a force of nature, and they showed it with every song they played.

“Weightless” and “The Fire” were standout moments, sending the crowd into a headbanging trance, while tracks like “In Orbit” (and yes, they nailed the haunting atmosphere of this live) took us deeper into their labyrinth of emotional depth. There’s a reason Evergrey has such a dedicated fan base—they don’t just play music, they tell stories. And when you’re in a live setting like this, those stories feel personal. It’s like the band reaches into your chest, rips out your heart, and shows it to you, covered in all the scars you forgot about.

Helsingborg’s Metal Scene: A Reminder of the Power of Live Music

Seeing Cyhra and Evergrey in Helsingborg, at The Tivoli, on this night wasn’t just a concert. It was a reminder of why live music matters. Sure, you can stream these bands all you want, and they sound amazing in your headphones. But when you’re standing there, shoulder to shoulder with a crowd of sweaty metalheads, feeling the floor shake beneath your feet, and letting the music wash over you? That’s when it becomes real.

This show wasn’t just about Evergrey and Cyhra either. It was about Helsingborg’s place in Sweden’s thriving metal scene. We’re not Stockholm or Gothenburg, but that doesn’t mean we don’t know how to throw down. The metal community here is alive and kicking, and events like this prove that our city can host world-class acts that bring metalheads out in droves. There’s something special about seeing these bands in a more intimate setting, without the massive festivals or over-the-top production. It feels raw, real, and personal.

Final Thoughts, Evergray and Cyhra: If You Missed It, You Blew It

If you weren’t there, you messed up. Plain and simple. This wasn’t just a regular metal night; it was a fusion of two bands at the top of their game, in a venue that makes you feel every chord and scream. Cyhra showed why they’re one of the most exciting modern metal bands out there, and Evergrey? Well, they proved once again why they’re legends in the scene. The synergy between these two bands was undeniable, and Helsingborg was lucky enough to be the battleground for their sonic assault.

If there’s one thing to take away from this night, it’s that the power of live music is something that can’t be replaced by streams, digital downloads, or even the best high-definition live videos. You have to be there. You have to feel it. That’s the point of metal, isn’t it? To feel something raw, something real, something that cuts through the monotony of everyday life.

So, next time you hear about a show like this happening, don’t be an idiot. Get your ticket, get your ass to the venue, and experience the music the way it’s meant to be experienced—loud, live, and in your face.

For more of this kind of content, make sure you check out my blog at, where we dig deep into the world of metal, politics, and everything else worth talking about. And if you want to keep up with all my latest rants, reviews, and black-hearted takes, follow me on all my social platforms right here.

See you in the pit at Evergray and Cyhra Live in Helsingborg.

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