After reading Xavi’s article on modern feminism I couldn’t help myself. I agree a lot with him. Feminists suck! In the ever-evolving dialogue surrounding feminism, diverse voices and viewpoints are essential to promote a well-rounded understanding of the issues at hand. Recently, I came across an couldn’t help reading the blog post by Xavi yesterday titled “Why I Don’t Like Modern Feminism.” Xavi, a man and my friend, shared his perspective on certain aspects of modern feminism that he found concerning. While I agree with many of his points, I believe it’s essential to offer a female perspective on this matter, not to discredit Xavi’s viewpoint, but to add another layer to the discussion. Yes! I am a female anti feminist!

Female Anti-Feminist

Acknowledging His Insight

To begin, I must express my admiration for Xavi’s intelligence and courage in addressing such a sensitive topic. His observations regarding the potential pitfalls of modern feminism are thought-provoking and valuable. It’s important to recognize that Xavi’s intent was not to undermine the principles of gender equality but to critique certain aspects of the modern feminist movement.

A Female Perspective on Modern Feminism

As a woman, I share Xavi’s commitment to gender equality. However, I do have my own insights and concerns about modern feminism, which I believe are worth sharing.

  1. Freedom of Choice: Modern feminism rightly emphasizes the importance of women having the freedom to make choices about their lives. However, it’s crucial to remember that this includes the freedom to make choices that might not align with mainstream feminist ideals. For instance, a woman choosing to prioritize her career over motherhood should be celebrated just as much as a woman choosing to be a stay-at-home mom.
  2. Support for All Women: Feminism should be inclusive and supportive of all women, regardless of their beliefs or life choices. Women who identify as a female anti-feminist should not be automatically dismissed or vilified. Engaging in open dialogue with them can lead to a more comprehensive understanding of the diverse perspectives within the female population.
  3. Respect for Traditional Roles: Some women may find fulfillment and purpose in traditional roles that modern feminism has criticized in the past. It’s essential to respect their choices and recognize that feminism’s goal is not to dictate how women should live their lives but to ensure that they have the autonomy to make those choices for themselves.
  4. Unity in Diversity: Just as Xavi mentioned the perceived fragmentation within modern feminism, I, too, believe that unity is vital. We should celebrate our differences while striving for common goals. Focusing on shared objectives, such as ending gender-based violence (I kick their asses anyway) and achieving equal pay, can help bridge divides within the movement.


There are a Few Things I Hate About Modern Feminism and Feminists for that matter. In Spite of Being a Woman Myself and a Female Anti Feminist

  1. Identity Politics: I find that modern feminism’s emphasis on identity politics sometimes leads to a divisive approach. While acknowledging the importance of recognizing various forms of oppression, this approach can create an “us versus them” mentality rather than fostering unity and understanding.
  2. Double Standards: I’m also critical of perceived double standards within modern feminism, where some actions or behaviors are criticized when exhibited by men but accepted or celebrated when displayed by women. True equality means holding both genders to the same standards.
  3. Overemphasis on Victimhood: Some critics of modern feminism, it occasionally promotes a culture of victimhood, where women are portrayed as helpless victims in need of constant protection. I believe in empowering women to be strong, resilient individuals who can overcome challenges.
  4. Dismissal of Maternal Roles: The way modern feminism sometimes downplays or dismisses the value of traditional maternal roles. Staying at home to raise children is a valid choice, and women should not be made to feel inferior for choosing it.
  5. Cancel Culture: Similar to Xavi’s concerns, I worry about the presence of cancel culture within modern feminism. The practice of publicly shaming or “canceling” individuals for expressing differing opinions can deter open and honest discourse, something it is counterproductive garbage and should be ripped our with no mercy.
  6. Lack of Focus on Men’s Issues: Modern feminism could do more to address issues affecting men, such as higher rates of suicide, workplace injuries, and homelessness. She might advocate for a more inclusive approach that addresses the needs and concerns of both genders. Double standards again and I hade them.
  7. Aggressive Rhetoric: A passive-aggressive woman might be turned off by the aggressive rhetoric sometimes employed within modern feminism. She may believe that promoting understanding and empathy rather than confrontational language would be more effective in fostering change.fuck feminism
  8. Intolerance of Dissent: Passive-aggressive woman, could express concerns about modern feminism’s apparent intolerance of dissenting opinions. She might argue that a more open and inclusive approach to different viewpoints would strengthen the movement.
  9. Online Harassment: I strongly disapprove of the online harassment and bullying that can occur within feminist circles. She might argue that such behavior contradicts the movement’s ideals of equality, respect, and empathy.
  10. Demonization of Men: A passive-aggressive woman may not appreciate the way modern feminism can sometimes portray all men as the enemy. She might argue that painting all men with the same brush is counterproductive to fostering positive relationships and building bridges.
  11. Stereotyping: About the way modern feminism sometimes perpetuates stereotypes about women. She might feel that portraying women as universally strong, empowered, and independent can be just as limiting as traditional gender roles.

Closing Thoughts: FUCK FEMINISM!

My intention in sharing this perspective is not to undermine Xavi’s insightful article but to emphasize the importance of diverse voices in the ongoing conversation about feminism and gender equality. Xavi’s intelligence and thoughtful critique have added depth to this discussion, and I hope my perspective, as a female anti-feminist, contributes further to this vital dialogue.

Ultimately, our shared goal should be to create a society where women are free to choose their paths, where gender equality is a reality, and where respectful dialogue can lead to meaningful progress. Let us remember that embracing differing viewpoints can lead to a more inclusive and effective feminist movement, one that truly represents the diverse experiences and choices of all women.

You may want to read Xavi’s article here and then go follow us both on social media. Follow me. Follow Xavi.

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